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The Battle of Paekchon/Kum River (Aug. 27-28 663) - Hakusukinoe

●白村江の戦い はくすきのえのたたかい アジア 日本 AD663 663年(天智2),日本が白村江(はくそんこうとも読む。白江ともいう)で唐に敗れた海戦。唐は建国以来,隋の滅亡の原因ともなった高句麗征討を懸案とし,645年(大化1)以来たびたび出兵したが,百済が高句麗に協力したこともあり,いずれも失敗に終わった。そのため660年(斉明6)3月,唐の高宗は新羅と結んで出兵し,義慈王以下を捕虜として百済を滅ぼした。しかし,百済の遺臣の鬼室 福信らは国家再興の兵をあげ,日本の救援と義慈王の子余豊璋の送還を求めた。...

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Tsushima (対馬, Korean Daema) was a province of Japan until the abolition of provinces and establishment of prefectures . Tsushima is an island belonging to Japan, situated about midway between Korea and the island of Kyushu , so that the island was used...

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Ryukyu Kingdom

Ryukyu Kingdom was an independent kingdom which ruled the Ryukyu Islands from the 14th century to the 19th century . The King of Ryukyu unified Okinawa Island and extended its rule over the Amami Islands in modern Kagoshima Prefecture and the Yaeyama...

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Senkaku Islands

The Senkaku Islands ( Japanese : 尖閣諸島; Senkaku-Shotō) are islands are currently under Japanese control but claimed by the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China (Taiwan), by which they are known as the Diaoyu Islands or Diaoyutai Islands...

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Saikaido / Kyushu

Saikaido 西海道 is one of the main 'circuits' of Tokugawa Japan . Literally translated, it means 'western sea road', now known as Kyushu . Similarly, Hokkaido is the northern sea circuit. Nankaido , which includes all of Shikoku , is the southern; Tokaido...

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Imjin Waeran

The Imjin War ( Chinese :壬辰倭亂; Korean : 임진 왜란 -- Imjin Waeran, lit. "Japanese Turmoil of the Year Imjin"); Japanese : 文禄, 慶長の役, lit. "Battles of Bunroku and Keicho") was the conflict from 1592 to 1598 on the Korean peninsula , following two successive...

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Japanese Korean and Chinese forces

Korea : Regular forces Irregular forces = Korean guerilla 日本軍の編成 文禄の役 一番隊-小西行長・ 宗義智 ・ 松浦鎮信 ・ 有馬晴信 ・ 大村喜前 ・ 五島純玄 -18700人 二番隊-加藤清正・ 鍋島直茂 ・ 相良頼房 -22800人 三番隊- 黒田長政 ・ 大友吉統 -11000人 四番隊- 毛利吉成 ・島津義弘・ 伊東祐兵 ・ 島津忠豊 -14000人 五番隊- 福島正則 ・ 長宗我部元親 ・ 蜂須賀家政 ・ 生駒親生 ・ 来島通之...

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