Kato Kiyomasa's campaign in North-Eastern Korea

Publié le par LEE

Kato Kiyomasa's campaign in Hamgyung Province, including his fight with the Jurchen/Orangai in Manchuria
회차 연월일 전장 공격군 방어군 결과
주장      구분 주장 구분
    단천 가토        
 39  7.18
(Aug. 25)
해정창/Kuradokoro (now Sunjin/Kimchaek)  가토  일본 2군  한극함 (north. Hamgyung force) - Yi Yung (cmd. of the South. Hamgyung Army)  조선육군  조선군 전멸. Han kuk Ham fled north to KyungSung
     Kilchu  Kato -8000        Capture of Kilchu
   7.23  会寧/会宁          
     Orangai (オランカイ)Castle  Kato (8000) + Korean rebels from Hoeryung) (3000)        
     Counter-attack  Jurchen (> 10000)     Kato (8000)    > 8000 Jurchen killed?

 7.23  HoeRyung :  Korean princes are brought with Yu  YungNip (provincial gouv.) and Han Kuk ham as captives to Kato  : 会寧を攻略する。朝鮮の二王子、左右大臣、大官十二名などを生け捕りにする。

オランカイ => 瓦爾哈  => 东北女真 => more probably 海西女真 (Haixi Jurchen) or 建州女真 (Led by Nurhachi, proposing allaiance with Chosun at Uiju)











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文禄元年(1592)、文禄朝鮮出兵の時、加藤清正は先駆けの一隊となり、朝鮮の北境 (瓦爾哈 = 兀良哈 ?)オランカイ中国東北地方間島にまでめぐり、9月12日その都城に入った。オランカイの酋長はおどろき慌ててその城を捨てて逃げ去った。



 Capture of chongSung, OnSung, KyungWon and KyungHung,  together with Hoeryung and PuRyung made-up the so-called "Six Garrisons"
Kato Kiyomasa 's occupation of northern Hamgyung Province :
HoeRyung (+Six Garrisons), KyungSung, MyungChun => Korean rebels
Japanese garrisons : Kilchu (1500), sungJin (500), Tanchun (500), Iwun (550) and PukChung (1300)
then Kato Kiyomasa rejoined Nabeshima Naoshige at Hamhung on 9m7d (October 12)
Revolts In Hamgyung Province :
회차 연월일 전장 공격군 방어군 결과
주장      구분 주장 구분
58  9.16 경성  정문부. 정견룡 조선의병. 관군  Korean collaborator garrison  일본 2군 경성 탈환
64  10.30 길주  정문부. 한인제  조선의병. 관군 Japanese garrison (1500)  일본 2군 일군 보급대 섬멸
65 11.10 함흥 성윤문 조선육군 가토  일본 2군 함흥 주둔 일군 기습
66  11.12 이원  이성임 조선육군 Japanese garrison(550)  일본 2군 이원성부근 기습
69 12.10 길주 쌍포 정문부. 정견룡 조선육군. 의병 Japanese garrison  일본 2군 길주성 주변 토벌
74 1.19 길주 남문밖 원충노 조선의병 가토 일본 2군 일군 기습
75 1.23 (January 1593) 단천 구황.강찬 조선육군. 의병 Japanese garrison (500) 일본 2군 일군 기습
77 1.28 백탑교 정문부. 한인제 조선육군.의병 가토 일본 2군 길주성 수복
Chung Mun-Pu Three Consecutives Victories : Kilchu, "Songjin"/Ssang Po and Tanchon

Evacuation in Hamgyung Province :

Hearing the news of Admiral Yi's victory at Hansan Island,, by this time, Katô Kiyomasa had only got as far as SungJin on his long campaign into HamGyung, but once the impact of the news from Hansan sank in, the dream of a march into china was over. The protection that Katô was giving to Konishi's right wing was already irrelevant. No troops, no supplies and no weapons were ever going to be ferried up the Taedong River from the Yellow Sea. (p.137)

Kato and Nabeshima who were now periloussly isolated, received an order to pull back to the capital, and evacuated Anbyon under

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