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  • Satsuma Province - Shimazu

    12 mars 2005 ( #Rulers )

    Shimazu Sukenaga Shimazu Hisatsune Tadamune Satsuma (薩摩国; -no Kuni) was an old province of Japan that is now the western half of Kagoshima prefecture on the island of Kyushu . Its abbreviation is Sasshū (薩州). During the Sengoku period, Satsuma was a fief...

  • Ullŭng Island

    11 mars 2005 ( #Territories under Korea's Sphere of Influence )

    Ulleung-do 울릉도 鬱陵島 is a Korean island in the Sea of Japan (East Sea). It is about 120 kilometers from the mainland of the Korean peninsula . Volcanic in origin, the island is rocky and steep-sided. Its natural beauty makes Ulleung-do a popular tourist...

  • 판옥선의 화력

    27 février 2005 ( #Imjin Waeran )

    판옥선의 화력은 구체적인 자료가 없기 때문에 간접적인 증거에 의한 불확실한 것들이 많다. 이 점 앞으로 추가 해야할 것들이다.전통적으로 불화살 공격에 의존하던 우리 전함에 함포가 설치되기 시작한 것은 고려 말로 알려지고 있다. 고려 우왕 7년 최무선은 금강 어구에서 왜구의 배 500척을 화포로 공격, 분멸 시켰다. 또한 정지(鄭地)장군은 우왕 9년 전함 47척을 이끌고 남해 관음포에서 적선 120척을 격멸했는데 이는 탑재 함포를 가지고 해상에서...

  • Ainu

    11 mars 2005 ( #Introduction )

    The Ainu (a word meaning "human" in the Ainu language ; Ezo, or Yezo, (蝦夷) in old Japanese ; Utari now preferred by some members) are an ethnic group indigenous to Hokkaido , the northern part of Honshu in Northern Japan, the Kurile Islands , much of...

  • Korean naval forces in 1592

    17 mars 2005 ( #Imjin Waeran )

    (111페이지 : 당시 조선 해군의 작전구역과 병력 상황* 전라우수영 : 전함 30척, 해군 5000명* 전라좌수영 : 전함 25척, 해군 4000명* 경상우수영 : 전함 75척, 해군 12000명* 경상좌수영 : 전함 75척, 해군 12000명 이외에도 당시 조선 해군은 충청수군 전함 30척, 해군 5000명 및 경기도, 황해도, 평안도, 함경도 등에도 수군이 있었다. 그러나 이는 편제상의 숫자일 뿐 실제로는 20%밖에는 가동하지 못했을 것으로...

  • Jurchen

    29 mai 2005 ( #Introduction )

    The Jurchens (Chinese: 女真, pinyin: nǚzhēn) were a Tungus people who inhabited parts of Manchuria and northern Korea until the seventeenth century, when they became the Manchus. They established the Jin Dynasty (aisin gurun in Jurchen/Manchu) between 1115...

  • History of Primorski Kraj in the Middle Ages

    10 mars 2005 ( #Introduction )

    VLADIVOSTOK and the FAR EAST PROVINCE The extreme southeast corner of Siberia, where it curves past the Amur River and down to the Golden Horn and the edge of Korea. Previous to Russian annexation, this region was in the hands of Manchuria and local tribal...

  • Tungustic Language

    05 avril 2005 ( #Introduction )

    in Manchu language : gurun = Country/ suwayan = yellow/ anggiyan =white/ fulgiyan =red/lamun = blue/ 愛新= aisin = gold As mentioned above Manchu is an agglutinative language, and its basic sentence structure is Subject-Object-Verb (SOV). Manchu Nouns Nouns...

  • Countries involved in the ImJin Waeran

    25 avril 2005 ( #Introduction )

    China and Korea vs. Japan Siam : Alled with China Mandchuria vs. Japan : Nurhachi and Orangai vs Katô Kiyomasa? When the Japanese army invaded Korea, Nurhachi sent an envoy to Korea offering help; he was heeding the call of the times. How did Korea react?...

  • ryukyu kingdom

    25 avril 2005 ( #Introduction )

    The RYUKYU ISLANDS (Chin. "Lu Chu" ) A long string of closely grouped archipelagos extending from southern Japan to northeastern Taiwan. The largest and best-known of the group is Okinawa. The islands have long hosted a local culture (whose language shows...

  • Kwanggaeto Campaign agaist Wa(ko)

    05 mars 2005 ( #Introduction )

    Under construction

  • The Madness of Hideyoshi

    05 mars 2005 ( #Imjin Waeran )

  • Atake : Japanese navy

    12 mars 2005 ( #Imjin Waeran )

    Source :

  • Daimyo of Tsushima

    05 mars 2005 ( #Rulers )

    Under construction

  • Battle of Pusan Castle

    18 mars 2005 ( #Battles )

    Battle of Pusan Castle : Sô Yoshitomo (from Japanese 1st division) : Jung Bal : 1000+civilian?+ Kyonsang Navy Sources :

  • Daimyo of Chugoku

    06 mai 2005 ( #Rulers )

    Inaba, Mimasaka, Bizen, Bitchu, Bingo, Hoki, Izumo, Iwami, Aki, Suo, Nagato,

  • Choson Expansion

    05 mars 2005 ( #Introduction )


  • Daimyo of Shikoku

    06 mai 2005 ( #Rulers )

    Provinces : Sanuki Awa Tosa Iyo

  • Daimyo of Tsushima

    12 mars 2005 ( #Introduction )

    Komodahama Beach

  • Korean peninsula

    04 mars 2005 ( #Introduction )

    Korean peninsula = strategic region : Japan's view : Korean peninsula = foothold to Asia Mainland's view : Korean = bridgehead to Pacific (Japan)

  • Power Polarity in the Far Eastern World System

    28 avril 2005 ( #Alliances )

    Power Polarity in the Far Eastern World System

  • The Battle of Tangpo (1592)

    12 mars 2005 ( #Battles )

    당포해전 / 1592. 6. 2 전과 - 왜선 21척 모두 격침. 2천여명의 적병 무찌름. 당포해전에서 조선 수군은 21척의 적선을 격침시키고 2천여 명으로 추정되는 적병들을 무찌름. 이 해전의 또 다른 의미는 왜적의 수군 선봉부대를 격파하였다는 것과 도요토미의 신임을 받던 왜장이 이 전투에서 죽었다는 것. 즉 당포해전을 통해 왜적의 서진 의도는 좌절. Sources :

  • Nara and Heian Japan: Northern expansion

    05 mars 2005 ( #War - Campaign )

    Nara and Heian Japan: Northern expansion Sources :

  • Japanese administration of Korea

    05 mars 2005 ( #Imjin Waeran )

    Japanese administration of Korea Sources :

  • Daimyo of Tohoku

    06 mai 2005 ( #Rulers )

    Muromachi 1390 Mutsu : Ashikaga Dewa

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