Gija Joseon Rulers

Publié le par Tiger LEE

Rulers of Gija Joseon
List according to Book of Roots of House Seonwu of Taewon

This list cannot be reconciled to any significant degree with Dangun Rulers one, aside from the fact that there is a period of time at the very end that the Danguns do not cover but that this one does ("The lost times"). Note that the first names are use-names current at the time the person was alive, while King names are temple names given the reign after their decease.

Gija King Munseong 태조문성대왕(太祖文聖大王) 1175 (r. 1122 BC - 1082 BC)

Gi-song (송) King Janghye 장혜왕(莊惠王)(r.
1082 BC - 1057 BC)
of his reign, we know litle beyond the fact that he built an Ancestral Temple

Gi-sun (순) King Gyeonghyo 경효왕(敬孝王) (r.
1057 BC - 1030 BC) he was a man of such fillal piety that when hIs father died he went mad

Gi-bak  伯 (백) King Gongjeong 공정왕(恭貞王) (r.
1030 BC - 1000 BC) he adopted for his officials the court garment of the Sang Kingdom in China

Gi-ch'un 椿 (춘) King Munmu 문무왕(文武王) (r.
1000 BC - 972 BC) he raised 59 regiments of soldiers containing in all 7300 men. The flag of the army was blue

Gi-gong (공) King Taewon 태원왕(太原王) (r.
972 BC - 968 BC)

Gi-chang (장)  初封遼河伯 King Gyeongchang 경창왕(景昌王) (r.
968 BC - 957 BC)

Gi-ch'ak (착) King Heungpyeong 흥평왕(興平王) (r.
957 BC - 943 BC)

Gi-jo 調 (조) King Cheolwi 철위왕(哲威王) (r.
943 BC - 925 BC)feeling the need of cavalry, he appointed a special comission to attend the breeding of horses, and with success that in a few years, horses were abundant

Gi-sak (삭) King Seonhye 선혜왕(宣惠王) (r.
925 BC - 896 BC) in 890, he hung a drum in the palace gate and ordained that anyone having a grievance might strike the drum to obtain an audience.

Gi-sa (사) King Euiyang 의양왕(誼襄王) (r.
896 BC - 843 BC)

Gi-ryun (염) King Munhye 문혜왕(文惠王) (r.
843 BC - 793 BC) In 843, a law was promulgated by which the gouvernement undertook to support he hopelessly destitute.

Gi-wul (월)King Seongdeok 성덕왕(盛德王) (r.
793 BC - 778 BC) in 773, King Wul forbade the practise of sorcery and incarnation.

Gi-jik (직) King Dohoe 도회왕(悼懷王) r.
778 BC - 776 BC)

Gi-u (우) King Munyeol 문열왕(文烈王) (r.
776 BC - 761 BC)

Gi-mok (목) King Changguk 창국왕(昌國王) (r.
761 BC - 748 BC)

Gi-p'yung (평) King Museong 무성왕(武成王) (r.
748 BC - 722 BC) in 748, naval matters received attention and a number of war vessels were launched.

Gi-gwul (궐) King Jeonggyeong 정경왕(貞敬王) (r. 722 BC - 703 BC) The first day of the 5th month is memorable as marking the first solar eclipse that is recorded in Korean history. A great famine occured in 710
King Kwul selected a number of men who could speak Chinese and who knew Chinese customs. These he dressed in Chinese clohes which were white and sent them across the Yellow Sea with a large fleet of boats loaded wih fish, salt ad copper. With these they purchased rice for the starving Koreans. 
At this time, all officials salaries were reduces to half.

Gi-whe (회) King Nakseong 낙성왕(樂成王) (r. 703 BC - 675 BC) In 702, King Whe, ordere the making of 15 kinds of musical instruments. He also excuteda sorceress of An-ju who claimed to be the daughter of the Sea King and deceived many of the people.

Gi-jon (존) King Hyojong 효종왕(孝宗王) (r. 675 BC658 BC) In 670, King King Cho sent an envoy and made friends with the King of Che in China. He also rvised the penal code and made the theft of a 100 millions cash from the gouvernement or of a 150 million from the people a capital crime. He orderd the construction of a buiding of 500 kan for an aslum for windows, orphans and aged people who were childless, in 654 one of the wild tribes of the north sent their chief, Kil-i-do-du, to swear allegiance to Chosun.

Gi-hyo (효) King Cheonhyo 천효왕(天老王) (r. 658 BC - 634 BC) in 659, there came to Korea from the Chu Kingdom in China, a man by he name of Baek Il-Jung, who brought with him a medicine called myun-dan-bang which he claimed as the elixir of youth. By his arts he succeeded in gaining the ear of the king and for many year was virually ruler of the country. At last, a king came to the throne who had the wisdom and nerve to order his execution. At this the whole land rejiced. Banished men were recalled and prisoners were liberated.

Gi-yang (양) King Sudo 수도왕(修道王) (r. 634 BC - 615 BC)

Gi-I (이) King Hwiyang 휘양왕(徽襄王) (r.
615 BC - 594 BC)

Gi-ch'am 참   (간여할 참) King Bongil 봉일왕(奉日王) (r.
594 BC - 578 BC) in 593, he came to the throne at the age of 5. His uncle acted as egent. But a powerful courtier Kong Son-gang secured the regent's assassination and himself became virtual ruler. He imprisoned the king in a small pavilion and tried to make him abdicate, but in this was unsucessful and himself met the assassin's steel.

Gi-gon (근)  初封和義侯 King Deokchang 덕창왕(德昌王) (r. 578 BC - 560 BC)

Gi-sak (삭) King Suseong 수성왕(壽聖王) (r. 560 BC - 519 BC) in 560, the Ha tribe, inhabiting the northern Japanese of I-so 이두(伊豆 이즈), sent heir chief,Wha-ma-Gyun-Hou-Ri, to swear allegiance to Chosun.

Gi-yö (려) King Yeonggeol 영걸왕(英傑王 (r. 519 BC - 503 BC) in 505, the wild tribes to the north became restive and King Yu gatherd 3000 troops and invaded their territory, taking 1000 heads and adding a wide strip of country to his realm. He put teachers in each of the magistracies to teach the people agriculture and sericulture.

Gi-gang (강) King Ilmin 일민왕(逸民王) (r. 503 BC - 486 BC)

Gi-hon (혼) King Jese 제세왕(濟世王) (r.
486 BC - 465 BC)

Gi-pyuk (벽) King Cheongguk 청국왕(淸國王) (r.
465 BC - 432 BC)

Gi-jeung King Doguk 도국왕(導國王) (r.
432 BC - 413 BC) in 426, during the reign of King Cheung, occured a formidable rebellion. U Yi-ch'ung of Tae-san (now Cha-san) arose and said " I am the Heaven Shaker". With a powerful force he approchoad the capital and besieged it. The king was force to flee by boat and take refge at Hyul-gu (probably an island). But not long after this the loyal troops rallied about the king and the rebel was chased accross the northern border.

Gi-jil (징) or (경) King Hyeokseong 혁성왕(赫聖王) (r. 413 BC - 385 BC) in 403, the king of Yeon/Yan sent an envoy to Kore with greetings. This Yeon king had its capital at Chik-ye-sung where Beijing now stands, and its territory wa contiguous to Chosun on the west.

Gi-seup (습) King Hwara 화라왕(和羅王) r. 385 BC - 369 BC) but in spite of these friendly greetings the king of Yan sent an army in 380 and seized a district in western Chosun. They were soon driven back.

Gi-ha (하) King Seolmun 설문왕(說文王) (r. 369 BC - 361 BC) 15 years later a Yan general, Chin-ga come with 20000 troops and delimited the western border of Chosun but the Choson, general Wi Mun-un gathered 30000 men and lying in ambush among the reeds beside the O-do River, suprised the enemy and put them to flight.

Gi-wha 華ㆍ萃 (화ㆍ취) King Gyeongsun 경순왕(慶順王) (r. 361 BC - 342 BC) in 346, a wild chieftain, of the north came and ask aid agaisnt Yan. I was granted to the extent of 10000 troops. These with 1000 cavalry of the wild tribe attacked and took the border fortress of Sang-gok(?). Soon after, Yan sued for peace and it was granted.

Gi-ho 후   (자랑할 후) King Gadeok 가덕왕(嘉德王) (r. 342 BC - 315 BC)

Gi-uk 煜ㆍ火吳 (욱화오) King Samhyo 삼효왕(三老王) (r.
315 BC - 290 BC)

Gi-suk (석) King Hyeonmun 현문왕(顯文王) (r. 
290 BC - 251 BC)

Gi-yun (윤) King Jangpyeong 장평왕(章平王) (r.
251 BC - 232 BC)

Gi-bu (부) 否王 King Jongtong 종통왕(宗統王) (r.
232 BC - 220 BC)

Gi-jun (준) 准王 King Ae 애왕(哀王) (r.
220 BC - 195 BC)

This ends the apocryphal account of the Ki-ja dynasty. Its conents are circumstantial enough to seem plausible yet we cannot but doubt the autenticity of any records which pretend to go back to such a remote period.

Sources :Ʞ자조ì„

Hulbert's History of Korea, p. 13-14 (Up. May 11 2005) (Up. May 11 2005) (Up. May 11 2005)

Publié dans Rulers

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