Dong-Yi and Han-guk Empire

Publié le par Tiger LEE

The first Korean nation, Han-gook (also pronounced whan-gook, 桓國), was established in 7,197 BC and lasted 3,301 years. According to an archive recently discovered (桓檀古記), this nation was made of 12 tribes in the region of Lake Baikal in Siberia.  About 5500 years ago, the climate in Siberia began to cool down and people from this nation began to move out in several directions. One group, sumiri (수밀이 須密爾 -- called the Sumerians by the Westerners), migrated to Mesopotamia and established the Ur, Urk, Lagash, Umma and other city states. The Sumerians had dark hair and share a common linguistic origin with the Koreans.  Another group crossed the Beringia and moved into America, while a third group moved into Manchuria and the Korean peninsula.  A branch of the America-bound group moved to Japan through Saccharin and pushed out Ainus who came from south centuries earlier. 
This page contains history of the very beginnings of the people known as the DONG-YI, of which Koreans are a major part of. The DONG-YI include other peoples of East Asia: Jurchens (Manchus), Mongols, Khitans, Xiongnu (Huns), and so on. The older period takes up the bulk of nationalist historiography, whereas the "officially recognized history" dreadfully lacks information on the said period.

7193 BC
Han-In (환인; 桓因; Lord of Heaven), establishes a country 20,000 km north to south and 8,000 km east to west, called Han-guk. It comprises of twelve nations. This is believed to be a tribal league in the nationalist circles, the formation of the ethnic entity: DONG-YI.
7193 BC-3898 BC
Han-guk is ruled by seven in succession by seven Han-In's (Han-In is probably a title of a ruler, rather than a personal name)
3898 BC
Establishment of Bak-dal Nara, the first Dong-yi state. Its territories are as follows: (farthest extent in each direction)

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